Warts are a type of skin infection that develops when the human papillomavirus (HPV) enters the skin through a cut or break. When inside the skin, the virus causes rough, noncancerous skin-colored bumps to form on the skin.
While warts are usually harmless, they can be a frustrating and persistent problem in children. The good news is that there are several ways to remove warts in children.
Here’s a comprehensive guide about warts removal in kids and where you can go for kids’ warts removal in Tuckahoe, NY.
Warts Can Go on Their Own
Warts are caused by a virus, and just like most viral infections, warts can also go away on their own. Approximately 65% of warts clear up on their own within two years.
Because warts can spread, can be unsightly, and sometimes cause pain, it’s best to seek treatment.
Warts Can Be Treated At-Home
Parents can treat kids’ warts at home with some home remedies. Most commonly warts are treated at home with salicylic acid and duct tape.
You can apply OTC (over-the-counter) salicylic acid on your kids’ warts daily or twice a day. Salicylic acid treatment may take many weeks to work, and continued use of salicylic acid even after warts removal can help prevent recurrence.
Another good way to treat warts at home is the use of duct tape. You can leave duct tape on overnight or for five to seven days until the wart is gone. Applying salicylic acid on the warts before covering them with duct tape can also be helpful.
You can also apply crushed garlic clove or garlic extract to the wart and cover it with the bandage to remove warts.
Warts Treatments from Pediatricians
Children who have multiple stubborn warts or whose warts failed to get better with home remedies may require professional treatment.
Your child’s pediatrician may use one of the following in-office treatments to remove your kids’ warts.
- Cryotherapy. This procedure involves the use of liquid nitrogen on the warts. The extremely cold temperature of liquid nitrogen burns the warts and forms blisters, which then fall off. For optimal results, three to four cryotherapy sessions every two to three weeks may be required.
- Currettage and Electrocautery.This therapy is also known as zapping and cutting and is reserved for warts that don’t respond to other treatments. During this technique, warts are burnt with an electric current and then scraped off with a sharp instrument like a scalpel.
- Stubborn warts that fail to respond to standard treatments are removed with immunotherapy. Immunotherapy involves using topical chemicals, such as diphencyprone (DCP), that helps the immune system fight off the HPV virus in stubborn warts.
- Laser Treatments. Laser treatments use a pulsed-dye laser to destroy the blood vessels providing blood to a child’s warts. Warts are deprived of their blood supply die and fall off.
Wart Removal Kids in Tuckahoe, NY
At Village Pediatric Group, we have a team of highly trained and compassionate pediatricians who treat kids’ warts regularly using methods, such as salicylic acid, cryotherapy, laser therapy, or cautery and curettage. We also offer treatments for a wide range of other pediatric diseases and preventive care.
If you would like to schedule a consultation, call us today at (914) 771-7070 or use our convenient online request form.